Sunday, October 21, 2007


President (Jan – Feb*) Graduate Student
*Carries over to new cabinet year to assist in planning of various functions
Completes the officer position form (submit to Center for Student Development and Programs- KHD148)
Changes the names on the bank accounts (with Treasurer)
Schedules cabinet and monthly meetings (e.g., reserves room, coordinates snacks)
Greets and makes announcements at meetings
Coordinates all club functions (e.g., fundraisers, first year “meet and greet,” mentor/mentee program)
Schedules guest speakers
Delegates/oversees all other responsibilities
Carries over to new cabinet year to assist in planning various functions
Various other duties (e.g., assist Dr. Manasse with NSSLHA-related tasks)
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see

Vice President (Jan – Dec) Graduate Student
Interfaces with COMD department faculty
Plans assistance for department functions
Interfaces with ASI
Oversees monthly calendar of events
Organizes refreshments for NSSLHA events
Hangs posters/makes announcements for meetings
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see

Treasurer (Jan – Dec) Graduate Student
Accepts/records quarterly dues
Changes the names on the bank accounts (with President)
Restocks and maintains Student Store merchandise (helps if one cabinet member has a Costco card)
Collects and records proceeds from Student Store
Balances checking account
Organizes reimbursement
Makes deposit at bank
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see

Secretary (Jan – Dec) Graduate Student
Maintains chapter membership roster (and records quarterly dues)
Sends meeting and event notices via E-mail
Interfaces with national NSSLHA
Record meeting minutes and publish on website
Publish announcements, meeting minutes, events, etc. on NSSLHA website
Oversees department bulletin boards
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see

Newsletter Editor (Jan – Feb*) Graduate Student

*Carries over to the new cabinet year to assist with development, layout, editing, etc.
Gathers content (e.g., information about the department, field, etc.), enters type, edits copy
Prints newsletter at least once a quarter
Create forms, applications, bulletins, and flyers
Makes copies of newsletter/ other flyers at ASI (KH D-138) [maximum 100 copies per month]
Circulates newsletter by placing in grad student mail boxes, giving copies to undergrad rep to pass out, placing remaining copies in plastic holder on the department office counter, and posting one copy on the prep room wall
Assists Secretary with website
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see

Undergraduate Representative (Jan – Dec) Undergraduate Student
The voice for bachelor’s students in both Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Gather undergraduate/post-baccalaureate E-mail addresses to assist Secretary
Make meeting announcements in undergraduate classes
Assist all other positions as requested (e.g., suggesting speakers)
Attends required student organization meeting (for dates/locations see
Recycles cans in prep roomPasses out newsletter to undergraduate classes

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